Saturday, May 22, 2010

Planting Tomatoes?

I have in my possession 4 Juliet (oblong cherry) tomato plants that anyone may have for the low price of $0.  (leave a comment or email me if you want them.)

If you are planting tomatoes be sure to bury the bottom two leaf sets.  That will be about 3-4 inches of stem under the ground and I know it will seem like a waste but you will be so glad when extra roots start growing out of the stem and it's always good to put down more roots.  Do it.  It hurts but in the end it's so worth it. 


Liz said...

We'll take them!!! We haven't planted anything yet, but this would make it easier to get it done! :)

Whitney said...

Don't cry. Maybe they will survive the snow.

Lauren said...

I love it Emily! You are doing such a great job! That's a good reminder to bury the leaf sets... as I still have to get my tomatoes in. I forgot to tell you I like IFA for gardening stuff, and I got some strawberries there. I am excited to try Cascade. Thanks for telling me about your blog!