Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Carnage

After six days in the ground, my poor little plants have taken a beating.  They were pummeled by the latest measurable snowfall ever recorded in Utah. 

Every day last week the kids came in to tell me it was snowing.  They think it's funny when I run to the window in a panic.  By Monday I was so used to it I didn't even react.  Too bad this time they were telling the truth.  "No mommy, it really IS snowing!"  Uh-huh, yeah, sure guys. 

I figured the tomatoes and peppers were lost and gone forever.  I covered the herb garden with little newspaper tents because they are right by my back door so I could do it in my slippers.  Then I ran out of newspaper so I told the tomatoes and peppers to stand strong in the face of adversity.  I think they must have heard me because they actually look okay.  They may need some extra loving care and possibly counseling but I think they will come through. 

Actually I am pretty sure they will survive because I chanced to meet a friend outside today who I found out graduated in horticulture at BYU, and she said as long as the plants didn't freeze they will recover.  I don't think she normally gets the reaction she got from me which was instant adoration.  And guess what else?  She is a Master Gardener.  And guess what else?  When I told her I have a garden blog she admitted she has one too!  What are the odds?  I invited her to this blog but now I am really embarrassed because I am not a Master Gardener.  If you would prefer to follow the work of a Master Gardener I understand. 

p.s. the eggplants are toast.  r.i.p.


Barefoot Yaya said...

Next time...listen to your mother!

AmandaLou said...

I don't think eggplants are all that popular anyway. I've never had one, but I see them used a lot as meat "substitutes" in vegetarian dishes and I think that makes them slightly less appealing to me. I'll try one some day. Glad your tomatoes and peppers will pull through.

P.s. What did mom tell you to do?