Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 1 (Summer Boxes)

Box 3: Tomatoes (Celebrity, Big Boy, Juliet (a cherry type), Champion)
I know heirloom tomatoes are the best, but I tried them last year and they do taste a little better but they don't produce very many and I don't have a lot of space so sorry heirlooms!  Maybe when I have my own farm I will have room to grow you! 

I also tried yellow tomatoes last year which are supposed to be lower acid so people who don't like tomatoes will like them (BRIAN!) but I guess if you grow them right by red tomatoes they still turn red.  So... again... when I have a giant farm I will give yellow tomatoes their very own space and they can keep their yellow identities.  If you are going to be yellow you've got to be assertive, that's what I always say. 

Also in box 3 are my peppers: jalepenos and bell peppers.  I plant them closer than it says on the tag because they never really get as big as it says on the label.  One thing you should know about labels on any plant is that they are usually formulated for Oregon or some other place besides Utah, so things never really get as big as they say they will. 

On the left you will see a newcomer to my garden this year: Eggplant.  The girls are so excited to see how many eggs we get. 

Box 4: Bush Beans, Bush Cucumbers, Pickling Cucumbers, Zuchini and Summer Squash

This year for the beans I am not planting them all at once but instead every two weeks.  I did them in short rows across the back and left room for more rows so we won't be stuck with too many green beans all at once.  This was at the request of my husband who got a little tired of eating green beans every night for three weeks.  They are good but not THAT good.  And they aren't exactly the best neighbor gift, if you know what I mean.  Normal people just don't get that excited about vegetables.

I'm hoping to finish my last two week green bean rotation in the pea box but that would require the peas to finish growing and that would require some SUN which we are seriously lacking at the moment.

I am getting a little stressed that my corn and pumpkins aren't planted and all this nice rain is being wasted on a weedy patch of dirt with no seeds in it.  Our Gurney's Giant Magic Pumpkins won't be very giant if we don't get them in soon.  (unless they really are magic!)

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