Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 17- Good Morning Peas!

When I first looked this morning I saw one little pea plant coming up.  After I watered I counted at least 10.  Every time I checked there were more.  They are sneaky little peas. 

I will plant some more later today to finish off the rows.   That way they won't all be done at once.  I'm curious how quickly they will come up compared to the ones that got snowed on....

Oh yes, and I did spy a lone green onion as well.   I expect that I'll be seeing a lot coming up in the next few sunny days. 


Amy Jones said...

I hope you weren't jealous of my garden today. I "flower patch" (AKA "weed patch") would intimidate even the best of people, but don't hold it against me.

Liz said...

This is a great idea to keep track of your garden's progress!