Thursday, April 15, 2010

Don't Cry for Me, I'm Just a Tree

Doreen came over to teach me how to prune the apple trees.  She must commune with tree spirits but they wouldn't tell me their secrets.  She gave me the pruning shears and told me to have a whack at it but I wasn't very good at spotting bad branches.  There are all these rules, like 3, 5, 7, no weak crotches, no suckers, it's a lot to remember on the first attempt.  I was hoping it would be more obvious but it turns out I will need more practice before I can do it on my own.  The trees do look nice, though.  Just a little stumpy.  It should be a good apple year because last year we got none.  (they are supposed to go every other year unless you have a little boy that likes to pull off all the blossoms)

Before                                                                                                                 After


I thought we could leave the V growing in this one so we could have a little place to sit in 20 years but Doreen said no way, jose.


Whitney said...

Very helpful. I don't know how Doreen does it, but they do look a lot more like apple trees after she was done with them.

Amy Jones said...

I need Doreen to visit my plum tree. Cause I got nothin'. But this post makes me think that I should actually think. Don't you think?

Emily said...

I can't believe you didn't just ask me to do it- I'm obviously an expert now.