Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 23: Surprise Garden

So I went out of town for the weekend and when I came back I noticed Nick has organized my sticks for me.  They are all in this neat little cluster instead of spaced evenly marking my rows.  It will be a surprise garden this year.  Pull a plant, it's a carrot: SURPRISE!

A lot of things came up while I was gone even though Brian never watered.  He said the sprinklers would at least water the ends of the boxes.  I am not complaining; he kept three kids fed, happy, and clean for three days which is more than most men could manage. 

The peas are coming along nicely and will hopefully not be too bothered by the tiny bit of snow today.  I am looking at these pictures thinking "wow, we have a lot of weeds back there and this blog says "No Weeds Allowed".  I guess I should change it to Some Weeds Allowed. 

The Rhoades helped me spray my trees on Tuesday, and also come out of the depressed state I have been in after seeing how beautiful it is in Washington.  Woe is me.  But the trees are budding and now they are straightening so maybe I can stick it out in Utah.  Bloom where I'm planted, that's what I'll do. 

1 comment:

Barefoot Yaya said...

Aren't kids just so helpful? Good Have fun with your garden of surprise!