Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Gotta Have It" Sweet Corn

The corn we bought this year was "Gotta Have It" Sweet Corn from Gurneys.  I have always been on the fence about whether or not to plant corn.  It takes up so much space.  (Space I could be using to grow more pumpkins!)  You need at least 4 rows of corn spaced 2-2.5 feet apart.  And it's never been that good... until this year.

This year we finally got it right and it really is so good you "gotta have it." 

What we did with it: Cut off the wormy ends and stick it in boiling water for 3 minutes. (My favorite cookbook says 2 1/2 minutes but I like 3 better.)  So far we've gotten about 25 ears from our small plot and there are a few more coming.  Not a ton for the space investment but it's worth every buttery bite.


Christie C said...

I'll never forget the time Tim and I were given some home-grown corn. I started shucking it and found a huge green WORM in it. I shrieked, dropped the corn, and ran to the bedroom. Tim is now responsible for checking all corn for worms and cutting off the ends before I take over. Shudder.

Whitney said...

It looks amazing! I'm so impressed.

Amy Jones said...

Yummmmm....corn. ;)

Barefoot Yaya said...

Are you saying you cook it for only three minutes? And if so, is that get the water back up to boiling for three minutes or in the pot total for three minutes?