Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Time is Now

My Herb Garden

I've been wishing I had some sort of hobby.  Something useful like sewing or decorating.  Something enriching like writing or art.  Something profitable like photography.

I had forgotten gardening could be considered a hobby.  So that will be my hobby and I'll just do a little better at it. 

Learning to grow my own food could be the most important skill I have.  There will come a day when I can't just run to the store for a bag of carrots.  By that point, the time for practice is over.  It will be up to me and the dirt to make something to eat. 

(That's the other part of my hobby.... learning to actually go out and eat what I grow.)

I haven't written a lot because the truth is, this is my 7th garden and I still don't really know what I'm doing.  I wanted to be all-knowing by now and instead I'm just normal.  But, I figure now is a good time to make mistakes.  Now is also the time to learn to like the food that grows in a garden, even if it is a vegetable covered with dirt.

The time to plant is now. 

(Technically, the time to plant is within the next month, but "Now" sounds so much more ominous and dramatic.)

1 comment:

Jessie Gurney said...

I always chuckle when I hear someone say that one of their hobbies is gardening. Don't get me wrong, I think it can be a fun, valid hobby, and I'm sure that you will do great at it! The reason I laugh is that last I checked, Craig still listed gardening as one of his hobbies. In the 8 1/2 years that we've been married, we've grown a whopping 30-40 cherry tomatoes, two watermelon, one cantaloupe (which got eaten by ants before we could eat it), and several pea plants that grew fine but produced nothing. I fully admit that we don't put the time and effort into getting more out, but I laugh when I see it listed at one of Craig's hobbies. Don't worry, we'll stay far away from your garden so that our bad influence won't rub off. Here's to wishing you a great summer of gardening!