Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I don't wanna talk about it...

If I had to pin down the reason for my gardening downfall this year I would say it was definitely the peas. They just kept coming and coming and I couldn't keep up. Tomorrow I will rip them out and start fresh with something else.
Other plants that don't make me feel guilty:

Dr. Suess Onions

Cherry tomatoes just turning red.  I've got big plans for them. 

Little eggplants.  Remember how I thought they all died?  I learned an important lesson; never put all your eggplants in one basket. 

Corn.  I planted it in two plantings this year so we won't have to eat 10 cobs a day to keep up. 

I remember reading somewhere that the corn will be ready ___ days after the tassels appear.  I should really look that up....

Gurney's Magic Pumpkins.  So far just one and it doesn't look too magical...

One Jack-be-REALLY-little

Fuji apple tree drooping from all the weight.  Doreen told me to pull some of the apples off but I couldn't do it.  I am too attached. 

Gala tree needs no thinning.

Aw look... they're blushing.


Christie C said...

I assume you must like eggplant in order to grow them! Do you have any good eggplant recipes to share? I want to try it again this year. The only time I made it myself, it was kind of blah.

Emily said...

I've got some good recipes- if my eggplants ever get bigger than my thumb I'll be sure to post them.

Whitney said...

I'm so impressed.

Lauren said...

Gardening downfall? What? It looks amazing! My peas are done too... I need to pull them out.

Check out them apples! Beautiful!

Julie Carlile said...

Wow it looks like you planted lots of fun stuff! I love cherry tomatoes :)

Whitney said...

That Dr. Seuss onion is too cute.