Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Gurney's Seed Catalog

Last year when I was buying seed I had a bit of trouble finding the exact varieties I wanted. I signed up for the Gurney Seed Catalog, mostly because they sell Gurney's Giant Magic Pumpkin seeds. How could I pass those up?

In the catalog, all the pictures are bright and beautiful. I thought it would be fun to make a collage of all the seed packets to decorate my (imaginary) garden shed. The envelope came, I opened it and:

Every packet is exactly the same.  No cute collage for me.


Jessie Gurney said...

I want an invite! Of course, I don't have a garden, but it's fun to dream anyway.

Brian said...

One thing about those Gurneys...when you sign up for their catalog, you seem to get about 1 catalog per day in your post office box from various other seed companies.

Adam and Melisa said...

I too was disappointed in the packaging...I love to see the pictures. Please invite me to your gardening blog..what a great idea!!'re simply amazing!

Barefoot Yaya said...

You are nuts! Another blog?! Maybe you should grow peanuts in your garden. Get it?

Of course, I still want to be invited to read your blog if you still want me too after that lame joke.

Mark and Katie said...

i want an invite please

Amy Jones said...


(About the invite...not about the peanuts.)

Kathryn said...

I'd also like to be invited. Who knows, maybe we'll have a garden soon too!

Marian said...

I took me a long time to get yaya's peanut joke. I'm very slow. And I am very impressed with your garden. Please invite me. I can feel slothful and still enjoy your blog. Really. You will have great helpers this year.

Whitney said...

Invite me, please.