Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 1

The peas were actually planted on Saturday but for simplicity's sake, I'll call today Day 1.

Natalie helped me with the tedious part of planting the tiny radish and beet seeds. She is getting very good at estimating 1 inch. Carrot seeds are even smaller, plus they are dark so it's hard to see where I left off. Next year I'm going to spring for the carrot seed tape.

I soaked the peas this year, so hopefully they'll get up and going before too long. They should be up by day 10. As usual I bought too many peas. If anybody wants some let me know.


Megan B ♥ said...

Ii'm not sure if I want an invite... I'll let you know if I feel inspired or burdened with your next few posts.

KIDDING, LOL!!! I must learn how to garden!!! I want to learn!! Inspire me!

Emily said...

Now you know why I'm giving people the option. It's pretty intense over here.

Amy Jones said...

I want to be you when I grow up.

And I'm siding with Megan...I'm starting out feeling a little burdened, but hoping for some inspiration. :)

(But still send the invite.)

Anonymous said...

I would like an invite.

I just feel jealous. Then I feel like I don't have the right to feel that way. I suppose if I applied myself, I too could accomplish great things in the yard. Possibly.

Love the blog name!

Anonymous said...

P.S. Why do you have things like leeks and chard and no regular type romaine or green lettuces?

Emily said...

My lettuce always goes bitter, and that makes me bitter. I bought this chard specifically because it doesn't get bitter. At least that what it says on the seed packet....

Julie Carlile said...

I would love a invite! We love to garden. We always put a lot in our salsa Box. Homemade Salsa all summer long is our favorite. Jake also planted concord grapes this year so we don't have to ask people anymore for their grapes to make juice.

Christie C said...

I think I planted 20 sugar snap pea plants this year. They're so expensive at the store and so easy to grow that I planted as many as I could. I'm looking forward to watching your garden grow!