Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 1

The peas were actually planted on Saturday but for simplicity's sake, I'll call today Day 1.

Natalie helped me with the tedious part of planting the tiny radish and beet seeds. She is getting very good at estimating 1 inch. Carrot seeds are even smaller, plus they are dark so it's hard to see where I left off. Next year I'm going to spring for the carrot seed tape.

I soaked the peas this year, so hopefully they'll get up and going before too long. They should be up by day 10. As usual I bought too many peas. If anybody wants some let me know.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Gurney's Seed Catalog

Last year when I was buying seed I had a bit of trouble finding the exact varieties I wanted. I signed up for the Gurney Seed Catalog, mostly because they sell Gurney's Giant Magic Pumpkin seeds. How could I pass those up?

In the catalog, all the pictures are bright and beautiful. I thought it would be fun to make a collage of all the seed packets to decorate my (imaginary) garden shed. The envelope came, I opened it and:

Every packet is exactly the same.  No cute collage for me.